5. Text Messaging/iMessaging


Motivation- this is my coach and I having a conversation before I got to campus.
Lying behind the screen- This isn’t me but a very good example of people being able to hind behind the screen.


Text messaging is something that Is involved in almost everyones life. My grandmother text me for the first time this year and it was shocking, but shows how text messaging is becoming very standard in today’s world. This is my main form of being a rhetor, even though I like face to face conversations. This form of communication makes it easier to communicate with family and friends. I have family that live across the United States and texting makes this easier to keep up with what they are doing throughout their day.

Like stated previously texting is the most common way of communication. You can communicate with a single person or even in a group. Personally I have an iPhone, this makes my text messaging turn into iMessage. iMessage is a text messaging form that is solely an iPhone, iPad, and iPod product. This is when you are sending a text from one of these three devices to another one of these three devices. I personally am involved in just as many group messages as I am regular text messaging. Group texting is great for communicating to a group but can become out of hand. People can have as many members in a group message as they want, and people also can respond at any point. This causes a mass amount of text at the same time and gets extremely aggravating.

Sending a personal text to someone is also an everyday thing for most. Along with the good that I stated previously, there can be bad things that come from this. A Majority of phones have the ability to take screen shots and apps that can mess with peoples Phones. The personal text you sent to a crush, the one you spilled your heart to thinking it would just be her to see it, was taken as screenshot and put into a group message with all her friends. This could be a good thing, but also the things you didn’t think anyone would see/hear was shown to more than just one. This doesn’t hurt the fact texting is a primary form of communication.

The other thing text messaging allows is, a chance for someone shy and unconfident get a chance to be outgoing and confident to one they may look up to or like. The kid that doesn’t speak loudly and doesn’t talk in class because he doesn’t communicate well in groups has a chance to speak his mind freely through texting. Texting gives you that confidence that you wouldn’t have face to face.

The last point I will provide is communication with Parents. My personal experience with texting with my parents is more good than bad, but still can get you into trouble. I use to have 15 second conversations with my parents strictly asking where I was. Texting allows me to send them a text telling them where I am and not having to leave the room just for a simple question. Obviously now times have changed as you grow up. The usual text I get now is asking me if I’m doing okay and if I need anything. Also Texting is a way to get important news to another person in almost every situation. If a person is in class and the news couldn’t wait, you can text that person to get them to call you as soon as they can.

I personally text a good amount everyday, with my parents, coaches and friends. The reasons for texting are extremely helpful. If you look how much phones have came in the last century it is truly amazing. The things you need to look out for is abusing the use of texting. Screenshots are great for getting picture online, but not for showing others messages. Although I think this will never change it is something I see as a problem. I love the fact communicating with relatives across the world can happen quick and at any time, and the fact family can communicate important information fast and easy. Texting is a great way to express discourse, but personably I think its is going to make some crazy upgrades with years to come.

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