2. 2089 Composing Exigence Paper

Exigence paper

Coming into college I didm’t have the first clue to what was going on. My writing and grammar was miserable (still not great) and I really struggle with writing papers. I’d have to say the reason for this is because I wasn’t forced to become a better writer in high school.

This exigence paper was a very simple task, but gave me a good idea of what it was going to take for me to get the grade I wanted in this class. Overall Exigence is my favorite of all rhetoric analysis pieces. the reason I enjoy this one more than others because I immediately took it and played it as a role in my life.

We were asked to define the meaning of  exigence, in more simpler terms one thing means different things to different people. The example I used in this paper that is in my life is hitting. Every coach has their own way of hitting and belief on it, this is the exact thing that aggravates me the most. I have an older brother that plays at a higher level than all my coaches, I’m not stating he knows more but he knows something. The fact that I see hitting the way my brother sees it will being smooth and engaging the back shoulder, my hitting coach constantly wants changes to be made.

The big difference between this paper and ones I’ve previously been asked to write is the fact I immediately connected to it. That is the main reason for picking this discourse.

This paper made me start to think of all the different ways one could view something. Before I was very insistent on what I believed was right and the others didn’t matter. Exigence made me realize no matter what the situation is their is a different view point from another rhetor that I didn’t look at and need to.

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